The development of a human being starts within the womb and continues for a long time. However, developmental milestones vary at different ages and need to be met at the right time. The most important development of the human body occurs during infancy and childhood. While an infant is a newborn till 1st year of life, childhood ranges from 2nd year of life to 12 years. After that adolescence pursues till 18 years, then occurs stages of adulthood.
 It is important to take full care of your growing child in his childhood period and monitor for adequate growth and development as this is a vulnerable period. The emotions, values, physical and mental health, psychosocial behaviour formed during this period will impact his remaining life.
Owing to several risk factors, the under-5 child mortality rate is 38 per 1000 live births worldwide. There has been a massive decline of about 59% from 93 deaths per 1000 live births in 1990. The leading causes of death for under -5 children are
  • Infectious diseases
  • Pre-term birth complications
  • Birth asphyxia
  • Trauma
  • Congenital defects
The world’s best healthcare organizations are working towards lowering this global death rate by improving the quality and provision of healthcare to everyone. However, parents can participate  to this growth as they are close to the child and have valuable insights and can track the Childs growth given the right tools.  Active Wellness provides parents with the right tolls and precise knowledge regarding child care to promote healthy child growth and lower the risk of morbidity and mortality.
AUDIENCE: This blog is meant for all parents, especially first-time parents, to have basic knowledge about the needs and care of children. The right set of tools so they can maximize their efforts smartly, especially if they face issues in healthcare systems. This blog is meant to educate parents and help them to utilize digital healthcare for all the right reasons, for the monitoring & Tracking the health of their precious children.


Children are vulnerable to developing infections as their immune systems are developing and not as strong as adults. They are prone to developing infections and diseases. Especially, if they belong to areas where hygiene standards are not maintained and are underweight etc. Moreover, children are still developing discerning habits to differentiate good from bad. They are prone to hurt themselves unknowingly and pick on bad habits that may harm them in the long run. Parents must monitor their children health not just physical health but also mental, social, emotional and intellectual. Active Wellness Tools help them to achieve these goals.


Imagine it’s your first day at the job, will you know everything about it? Less likely.
The same is the case with new parents. No matter how good are the intentions, parents can make one or the other mistake with their child. With the next child, they’ll make some new mistakes. Just like learning never stops for anyone, the same is the case for parents. Parents must keep putting effort into their children. They may make these mistakes which can be avoided if they realize it
  • Having unrealistic expectations: Most parents have unrealistic expectations of their child about his health. He is going to fall sick no matter how much you try to avoid it.  While it is important to take precautionary measures but some uncertainties are bound to happen and you must be ready to tackle them.
  • Easy frustration: Parents lose their temper very easily because of their frustration. Frustration could be due to the right reasons such as the child playing with dirt, putting everything in their mouth, etc. But no matter how many times parents tell their children and want to protect them from harm, they find new ways nonetheless.
  • Inconsistency: Most parents show inconsistent behavior. While everyone has his good and bad days it is important to show consistent behavior towards a child be it about the food healthy habit or discipline.
  • Sibling Differentiation: Moreover, with more than one child, some parents tend to neglect their older child and turn their attention towards the younger one which can be detrimental for the older child.


Children like any other human being, no matter what age, have some basic requirements that need to be fulfilled. However, the difference is that this age is very crucial and becomes a stepping stone towards a healthy life. Therefore, proper attention must be given to fulfill their needs.
  • Nutritional adequacy
  • Physical Activity
  • Safety and protection
  • Healthy and hygienic environment
  • Proper clothing
  • Adequate sleep


As the proverb says “Prevention is better than cure”. It is especially true for this age as children are more prone to malnutrition and diseases. Parents must actively take preventive measures to prevent and protect from diseases and illnesses by carrying out certain measures such as mentioned below:


There is a proper schedule of vaccination that needs to be followed throughout his childhood. Parents must be there of the schedule and follow it properly. This is an elite example of proactive preventive care. It actively helps to keep your child safe and protected from various communicable diseases. Some examples of children vaccination include:
  • Chicken pox: First dose at 12-15 months, second dose at 4-6 years.
  • Diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (DTaP): First three doses are given in 1st year, however, 4th dose is given at 15-18 months and 5th dose is given at 4-6 years.
  • Influenza (Flu): Every child is given an annual dose every winter. Some children may even need 2 doses.
  • Polio: Polio doses should be given to every child starting from birth to 4th dose at 4-6 years.
Every parent must be aware of vaccination schedule and keep them updated to prevent such diseases.

Screening Tests

There are multiple screening tests available for children based on their signs and symptoms. If they don’t observe any delay in growth or any abnormal signs and symptoms they should consult a pediatrician and get screening tests for their children.  Several diseases can manifest in early childhood which can be picked up on screening tests and managed promptly. For example, diabetes type 1.

Physical Examination

You can get your child physically examined by a doctor or a healthcare professional from time to time if you suspect any abnormal signs or even for annual check-ups.

Developmental Milestones Tracking

Developmental milestones should be tracked from birth to 5 years old. There are several developmental milestones for children that parents can easily track. Later several types of milestones such as motor, sensory, communication, etc.
13-18 months Walk greater distances independently
Pick up object from floors without falling
Regular sleep schedule.
Helps with getting dressed and undressed
Responds to questions and follow directions
Repeats words heard in conversations
Drinks from a cup easily
Can eat chopped foods with hands
19-24 months Jumps with both feet
Climbs low furniture
Uses stairs to go up and down without support
Take toys and put them up together
Uses crayons and markers on paper
Use 2 word phrases
Identify different body parts
Can spoon-feed himself
2-3 years Starts to run
Turns doorknobs and begin to ride tricycle
Develops right or left handedness
Starts to have bladder and bowel control
Communicate easily with others
Understands the concept of possession
Use 3 word phrases
Can drink through a straw
Appetite decreases
3-4 years Puts on clothes by himself and unbutton some buttons
Can string items together like beads etc.
Can catch a large ball
Hold a pencil or crayon between finger and thumb
Draws a circle when shown how to.
Avoid touching hot objects when warned
Can tell his first name
Most of the times, speak comprehensible words and answers simple questions
Can tell his name
Uses a fork
Serves food or pour water under supervision
4-5 years Buttons some buttons
Can hop on one foot
Can pay attention to activities for 5-10 minutes
Write some letters in his name
Can tell story involving two events
Keep a conversation going
Uses simple rhymes
Can complete simple chores like clearing a table after eating
Parents are usually very cautious and observant of their child however due to their lack of knowledge they fail to check and depend upon here say. Active Wellness- Child tracking tool through real time alerts parents on what to do and allows the updating of the child milestone. The AI of the platform takes over and generates reports and action plans for the parents.  They can seek help in a timely manner from their treating physician.


Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of the health needs of a child. Generally, parents are also the most concerned about a child’s nutrition and try new things. They end up over-feeding their child overestimating his growth requirements.
First-time parents generally have the least knowledge about their children’s nutritional requirements therefore it is important to have a tool to track the nutrition needs.
  • Breastfeeding:-  Breastfeeding has multiple health benefits, therefore it is encouraged all around the world. A baby should be breastfed up until two years or more.
  • Nutritional requirements:- Apart from breastfeeding, a child must be given other foods also. With increasing age and growth requirements the following gradual changes need to be adopted:
  1. Portion size increases as well the consistency.
  2. With teeth the child can chew the food when semisolids are started.
  3. Feed the vitamins and other supplements necessary for growth.
In the end the is key to depend upon nutritious food and milk.
  • Supplements:- Rapidly growing children may require additional supplements to fulfill their energy requirements. These include iron, calcium, vitamins, and much more. People can use fortified milk products or additional supplements in the form of tablets etc.
Consult a doctor or healthcare provider to get more knowledge about supplements for rapidly growing children to ensure their growth requirements are being fulfilled and prevent deficiency that can have negative effects on the health of the child.


It is important for a child to be physically active. Any activity that involves moving the body is described as physical activity such as running, playing and exercise etc.
These activities can be categorized as light, moderate and vigorous based on increase in heart rate and breathing rate. The main advantage of these physical activities is to build up muscles and bones. Moreover, it keeps them fresh and healthy.
Based on their age, they must be involved in physical activities for certain period of time such as:
Age Hours per day
1-3 years At least 3 hours of energetic play
3-5 years At least 3 hours including 1 hour of energetic play
5-18 years At least 1 hour of moderate or vigorous physical activity plus several hours of light activity


According to professionals, there are 7 key areas of social and emotional needs of a child that need to be developed and nurtured in a child. These are:
  • Self-regulation
  • Compliance
  • Adaptive functioning
  • Autonomy
  • Affect
  • Social-communication
  • Interaction with people
Parents should enable their children to meet people and interact with them independently. Over time, they should be able to communicate themselves, have regular schedules, and show affection towards other people.


Every child is different and demonstrates a unique style of communication. A child’s communication style may depend on two things: initiating the interaction as well as responding to other people. These communication styles include:
  • Sociable: Such children easily interact and respond to others.
  • Reluctant: These children are more likely to respond to others and less likely to interact on their own.
  • Passive: This child will face difficulty in initiating as well as responding to others. It could be due to a developmental delay, a disease, or some medications.
  • Own agenda: Such children initiate communication only when they need something; otherwise, play independently and prefer their own company.
It is important to understand the communication style of the child and not draw conclusions. Parents should not force the child to change his communication style although they can encourage their children to be more sociable and friendly towards other people.


Some common childhood ailments can be easily treated at home. These ailments include the common cold, ear infections, influenza, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, gastroenteritis, and strep throat. These can be easily diagnosed by parents and treated at home to prevent further deterioration of health. However, it is advised to consult a doctor if the condition persists and health deteriorates. Here the Active Wellness E-Consult platform gives you the ability to take these consults from your home.


Children may get seriously ill due to weak immune systems and it could be due to unhygienic food or water, unhealthy habits, under-nutrition, or even some infection. It is important to understand that going to the doctor as soon as possible is necessary when you see the following red flags such as:
  • Unresponsive or unconscious child
  • Severe difficulty in breathing
  • Skin changes in hands, feet, or face such as cold blue skin
  • Localized or generalized seizures
  • Rash unresponsive to home remedies
  • Severe vomiting and diarrhea
  • Unexplained fever
  • Decreased appetite or not taking any food intake
  • Continuous crying spells
If you see any of these signs, it is important that you take your child to the doctor as they require urgent medical attention.


Active Wellness is a digital healthcare platform that caters to all health needs of all age groups. Children are usually at a vulnerable age of getting infections due to weak immune systems. There is a special focus on the growing child. Here Active Wellness can help you to deal with all kinds of follow-ups guides you on your child’s preventive screening requirements of a child. From understanding the basic needs of what your child needs to proactively preventing disease via screenings, immunizations and tracking growth & development. You have it all in one place. It gives you reminders about screening programs, vaccination schedules, and supplements. The ActiveCONSULT helps manage common ailments at home using the E-Consult virtual visit to address any health concerns for your child. It saves  long waiting hours and traveling expenses of hospital visits every other week and also gives you the satisfaction of ensuring the child’s normal growth and quick management of any illness. Active Wellness can help you manage your stress as new parents and make things easier for you all the time. At the same time, we will ensure that your precious baby is having all that is required for healthy growth and development.


  1. World Health Organization. Child mortality and causes of death [Internet]. 2022. Available from:
  2. Avoiding Common Parenting Mistakes With Your Children [Internet]. Verywell Family. Available from:
  3. Be Proactive About Your Child’s Health [Internet]. [cited 2023 Aug 8]. Available from:
  4. Pathways. Early Developmental Milestones | Child Development | [Internet]. 2019. Available from:
  5. Vitamins for Kids: Do They Need Them (and Which Ones)? [Internet]. Healthline. 2020 [cited 2023 Aug 8]. Available from:
  6. 7 Areas of Social-Emotional Development: What They Are and How to Support Them [Internet]. Ages and Stages. Available from:
  7. Four Different Communication Styles Observed in Children [Internet]. SLP Corner. Available from:
  8. Childhood Illnesses: 10 Most Common Conditions in Children [Internet]. Available from:
  9. Active Wellness:  Child health management